8th December 2008, 17:33
Pido ayuda a los más expertos.

El otro día hice un descarga directa (ABRIR) de un partido NBA. Alucinante. Se descargó en una hora. El
problema fue que al finalizar me abrió el VLC. Como estaba haciendo otra tarea lo cerré y mi sorpresa fue que el vídeo se esfumó.

Lo intenté de nuevoconb la descarga directa; esta vez en opción GUARDAR. Aquí tardó más, cinco horas, pero de nuevo mi decepción ya que no encuentro el archivo por ningún lado.
Seguro que hago algo mal, y os pido ayuda.

Gracias a todos y, muy especialmente, a MALACA.

canina mundi
8th December 2008, 17:38
You just create a new folder (carpeta nueva) on the desktop. Then you choose ´save´ the file you wanna download into that new folder. Just that, that easy. :wink:

8th December 2008, 18:37
You just create a new folder (carpeta nueva) on the desktop. Then you choose ´save´ the file you wanna download into that new folder. Just that, that easy. :wink:


It's the first time you don't criticise a post

Keep like this :wink:

canina mundi
8th December 2008, 19:28

It's the first time you don't criticise a post

Keep like this :wink:

Thanks but no. I will criticize whatever I feel is wrong, like the fact that football fans are completely ignored in this web, great games are spoiled and offered (if any) in lousy formats (with very few exceptions). Uploaders only pay real attention to NBA. basketball, and football is left out of place.

PS. And What is that on the left-top of the screen?? A football ref.??? :roll:

8th December 2008, 20:46

It's the first time you don't criticise a post

Keep like this :wink:

Thanks but no. I will criticize whatever I feel is wrong, like the fact that football fans are completely ignored in this web, great games are spoiled and offered (if any) in lousy formats (with very few exceptions). Uploaders only pay real attention to NBA. basketball, and football is left out of place.

PS. And What is that on the left-top of the screen?? A football ref.??? :roll:

I don`t know the reason of the choice of the name 'Rojadirecta'

Although, I think you could be thankful with Malaca and other guys who are always uploading and ripping matches for us. We only click and download.

This p2p forum started showing NBA so it's obvious that NBA is the nº1 in this forum

There are other pages/forums that may satisfize the quality you need for soccer matches

I' ll always be thankful with Rojadirecta

Keep in touch

9th December 2008, 02:46
Thank you very much.
:D :D :D